CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (presentations)
Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025
We invite scientists, practitioners, resource professionals, and related stakeholders to submit abstracts for presentations at our upcoming conference.
Submit abstracts and email questions to:
Theme: Resilient Rivers: Adapting for the Future!
Presentation Details:
Total Duration: 20 minutes (recommended 15-18 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for questions)
Possible Topics (The topics are grouped for easier reference. They do not represent organized sessions).
Policy and Regulation
Clean Water Act
Compensatory Mitigation
Regulatory Frameworks for Restoration Permitting and Crediting
TMDL, Crediting, Permitting, Change in Measurement
Restoration Practices and Techniques
Stream Restoration Across the Globe
Dam Removal & Pond Conversion
Headwater Streams and Daylighting
Floodplain Reconnection
Wetland Restoration
Ecosystem Restoration at the Tidal/Non-Tidal Interface
Design and Engineering
Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
Channel Stability and Adjustment
Innovative Structures and Grade Control
Designing with Beaver & Wood
Engineering through Biological Monitoring
Assessment and Monitoring
Survey and Assessment Technology (UAVs & Photo Software)
Functional Assessment
Case Studies & Lessons Learned
Ecological Considerations
Fisheries & Fish Habitat
Vegetation Considerations
Beaver Dam
Climate Variability Effects on Restoration Design and Management
Planning and Management
State & Regional Programs
Planning & Prioritization
Large-Scale Efforts
Social and Economic Aspects
Social, Economic, and Carbon Considerations
Environmental Justice Opportunities
Public Relations and Outreach
Urban and Infrastructure
Urban and Infrastructure
Flooding Issues
Submit an Abstract
Notification of Acceptance: Presenters will be notified by March 10, 2025.
When submitting an abstract, please be specific. List one topic from the list above; do not list more than two topics.
Please include the following in your abstract submission:
List one topic: (do not list more than two topics)
Primary Presenter/Contact: (one person only)
City, State, and Email Address of Primary Contact
Co-Presenter(s): Name(s), Organization, City, State & Email Address
Title of Presentation:
Author(s): (as it would appear in a publication)
Abstract Text: (350-word maximum)
Format: Submit as a Word Document, font Aptos 12
Example Formatting: See this Document
Submit abstracts and email questions to: